Is Civil Government the Only Form of Government?

When you hear the word “government,” we usually think of the state; the civil government. The State holds a monopoly of terms today; in the politically correct language of the modern day, “government” always refers to the civil government. However, a new line of thought has broken through the programming and mind-control, coursing through and into the minds of men and women all around the world; “Is Civil Government the only form of government?”


A government, or any institution, has five main points:

  • Sovereignty: Who is in charge?
  • Authority: To whom do I report?
  • Law: What are the rules?
  • Sanctions: What will happen if I obey or disobey those rules?
  • Succession: Will this outfit have a future?

Thus, there are several cultural institutions that have these five points in working order; the individual, the family, and the church. These institutions have their own rules, their own guidelines, for their members, there is a chain of command, always someone to report to, definite sanctions (in most cases) and a succession has been established. These government co-exist, but, unlike the civil government, allow their members to leave at anytime, unless there has been a contract arranged. The individual can submit himself another individual (like an employer) or he can work for himself. However, he always has someone to report to; God or another individual (such as a customer or client). The family works as a separate unit; the children report to the parents, and the parents make the rules, and determine the sanctions, but they have the right to determine if they submit themselves to a church or civil authority or not. Does the Civil Government let you leave its jurisdiction without its say-so? I’m afraid not.

Denmark  Police going through advanced
Danish Militarized Police going through a drill.

The one thing that makes the State (civil government) different than these other clear, defined governments, is the power of the sword that the State wields. The State has literal armies of bureaucrats, police (now militarized), and the military, and with this power backing them, they’re able to steal, kill, and destroy, and keep people down. They have no power to grant wealth to someone (welfare) without taking away something from another (theft). They also claim to be in control over the other forms of government (self, family, church), and claim ownership over your body (conscription), and property (property taxes) in total disrespect of family or self government.

So, there are other governments to turn to. We don’t need the state. Civil Government can easily be replaced by self, family, or church governments. We don’t need a small few, with flawed, human characters with unlimited power over the vast hen-coop of society. And, when this idea, which has been suppressed for thousands of years, surges with sudden realization like fire through the mental cords that bind the potential human action of untold billions of human beings, we will once again find that war and unwarranted violence of the State, will be no more.

Should the Public School System be Funded?

Churches obviously have a worldview and position, but schools claim to be neutral. However, when the state subsidizes the schools, using the voucher system, the schools are made to conform to the governments standards (become a politically correct school). School teachers get up and state opinions and facts to the students. However, they are approved opinions. Have you heard of a teacher telling his students in a subsidized school about Creation? Or any other views that contradict the status quo? No way!

“He who pays the piper calls the tune.” Its one of the truest things there is to life. If you pay, you call the tune, and the government (the bureaucrats) get to call the tune in the schools. The parents don’t get any say at all in what goes into the curriculum, or what the students learn. And, if you try to back out of the system, they fine you by making you pay the voucher fee again. If that isn’t twisting your arm behind your back, I don’t know what is!


So, is there a difference between state-subsidized Churches or state-subsidized Schools? The answer is… no. Churches “preach” a Christian worldview, but Schools teach a curriculum, that, in the name of being “neutral”, contradicts all religious views, and, “Culture is religion externalized.” They’re changing the culture, creating a pro-state mindset. The atheistic, man rules not God curricula that is poured like water through the minds of students is not approved by parents, but by protected, invisible bureaucrats in Washington D.C.. There is no neutrality in the Public School system, and, so, if its wrong to fund Churches, its wrong to fund Schools. They both “preach”, but in different ways; one primarily to adults, and others to children, who have been peer grouped, separated from their parents, and then taught whatever the curriculum says, be it true or false.

The Horrors of a Disjointed Biography – And how to Avoid Them!

Mark_Twain,_Brady-Handy_photo_portrait,_Feb_7,_1871,_croppedMark Twain, great writer of classic stories, has a very interesting biography; its a mess. It is full of stories that have no real affect on Mark Twain’s life and are only interesting if you are interested in Mark Twain. He places stories in the book, but only half finishes them, like the story of the drunk, the jail, and the matches; why did Twain give the drunk the matches? They are also all jumbled up together, as he dictated chapter after chapter, leaving barely any continuity. Here are some ways to avoid confusing your readers, but at the same time keeping them interested.

1. Always Proofread your Biography. If Twain had read over his biography, he would have saved people a lot of trouble later on, who tried to organize his thoughts for him. Its a difficult task to edit a book that has very little continuity to it. Which leads to point two…

2. Have an obvious story-line. Make the course of events as clear as possible to your readers. You need to tell your readers the stories of when you were ten before you tell the stories of when you were twelve, and those stories ought to be in order.

3. Don’t Finish a Story.  If you start telling a story, finish it. As I mentioned, the story of the drunk, the jail and the matches, which ends with the drunk being burned to death, is unfinished. Why did the guilty teen-age Twain give the matches to the drunk in the first place? Where did he get them? Questions like these cannot be answered based on the book.

4. Show the reader CRISISYour reader should walk away from your book knowing of the crisis (or multiple ones) that made your life better, and how you overcame them. That is what makes an auto-biography (or biography, for that matter) interesting. It keeps the reader on edge, as they “watch” you overcome moral dilemmas, or plunge into defeat, and then see you come to where you are now.

5. And lastly, show what life was like. Most likely, if you write a good biography, people might it for  years after. Things change. Twenty years ago, there was no such thing as a smartphone. A century ago, soldiers charged in lines against machine guns with fixed bayonets, and air and land technology was in its infancy, and the modern computer hadn’t even been thought of. There is no saying how much better (or how much worse) your surrounding culture and society will be in the next fifty years, or even a decade. Tell the reader how it was like in your day, and how you had to adapt and overcome.


The Franks and the Transfer of Power

After the fall of the Western half of the Roman Empire, missionaries from the Roman Church spread out everywhere, converting the barbarian kings and their people to Christianity. Many tribes did so, and one of the leading ones were the Franks. However, this conversion was not very sincere; after the death of Clovis, political disorder and killings were rampant, and the pagan sacrifices were carried out as well, as if they (the Franks) had not even been converted to start with.

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Charlemagne – Emperor

At this time, the Merovingian family was in power over the Franks. An ancient family, they bore a lot of prestige, but their name was tarnished by the killing of one another and the general disorder, and the incompetency of the reigning kings. Because of this, the Carolingian family came into power, taking over the office of Mayor of the Palace, and thus held the power of king without the title. The Kings held no power, and Pepin the Short, as the current Mayor of the Palace, went to Rome, seeking permission beyond that of the Frankish nobility to depose the Merovingian family, and make his family the Royal Family of the Franks. The Bishop of Rome, Zachary, formally deposed Childeric III, the King of the Franks at that time, giving his blessing to Pepin, and this was solidified by Bishop of Rome Stephen II, who crowned him King of the Franks. Pepin the Short then fought the Lombards, a barbarian tribe who had control of Italy, and the land was given to the Bishop of Rome, solidifying the alliance between Chruch and State. Soon after Leo II crowned Charlemagne, the next King, emperor, and the title was then enlarged to Holy Roman Emperor, thus to poorly distinguish it from the ancient Roman Empire.